Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Path of Least Resistance

This morning my trainer posted a story about a 74 year old woman who completed an Ironman competition in 2009. Not only was she the only woman competing but during the cycling part she broke her collar bone. They taped her arm to her side and she rode 32 more miles then walked the entire marathon. I don't think anyone can argue that this woman is amazing. But my thought when I read it was Why????

Why would she do that? What exactly was the point? I mean I would do this with a purpose that I felt was worth it. Let's say I was the leader of a group on the Underground Railroad and those peoples lives depended on it then I would do it without a second thought. I would crawl the whole way if I had to. But just to prove that I can? No thanks. Heck, I wouldn't have started the race in the first place.

This made me think about the nuns my stepmother is always talking about. (My thought processes are weird, stick with me) Stepmom E talks about these nuns who would pray every day for 12 hours. On their knees! Now don't get me wrong I firmly believe in the power of prayer but how is this helpful to anyone? Go feed starving people! You can pray at the same time! I do it everyday. OK I don't feed starving people everyday but you know what I mean.

I think this says a lot about me:

  •  First that I have issues. But hey I'm funny so it all evens out. Plus I already knew I had issues. And now you do too. 
  • Second that I don't have that natural drive inside me to prove myself. Not even to myself. I really don't care what anyone thinks of me. 
  • Third that I'm really not into being in pain. Imagine how painful kneeling for twelve hours would be. Go try it. See how long you last. I'll wait. I won't tell you to break your collar bone because chances are you will need your arm sometime soon.
  • Fourth I recently learned how to use bullet points. Bullet points are fun!
To the kneeling nuns and the 74 year old competitors of the world...more power to you! If you need me to free an oppressed group of people I'll be at the library.

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