Friday, August 16, 2013

"Own People"

My patient listens to books on tape. Today he is listening to Roll Of Thunder Hear My Cry. This book is set in the segregated south. It is told from the perspective of a young black girl who is struggling with the concept of racism and the fact that people judge her and treat her badly based on the color of her skin. I'm not really paying attention to it but just caught a character saying, "We need to stick with our own people."

That statement irritates me. You don't have your "own people"! People are people plain and simple. The only ones who are your "own people" are the ones your mama says you have to tolerate because they're family. You can say your friends are your "own people" but they're also someone else's "own people."

It's OK for you to hate Frank because he's a jerk who needs to be punched in the face. It is not OK to hate Frank because he's black or Jewish or Muslim or you see a pattern there? Those are all people who have been persecuted at one time or another solely because of the color of their skin or religious beliefs. Hmmmm...isn't that how America was founded. Oh, and by the way you shouldn't hate anyone. I was making a point.

As long as I'm on my soapbox...stop referring to people as that black guy or as that Indian guy or whatever. Unless it is somehow necessary for your story you do not need to tell me a black guy gave you directions. Would you tell me a white guy gave you directions?? Unless you plan on describing EVERYONE that way JUST STOP. This would be like saying a man in a yellow hat gave me directions. Unless you are talking about Curious George's friend this is not necessary! I'm immediately going to label you a douchebag in my mind. And, knowing me, probably out loud.

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