Thursday, August 1, 2013

Great Leaders Part 4: Commitment

The final homage to my church's leadership sermons. 

For the last three weeks I listened to my pastors preach about some of the traits of great leaders. I was feeling pretty good about myself in a leadership sense. I may not actually lead anyone but I could. Let's see... perseverance-yeah I got it; courage-yep I'm good; integrity-I'm all over that; commitment-ye...oh wait. I lack commitment. No wonder no one follows me.

Our sermon this week was on commitment. Sticking with it no matter what. Standing tall when you are marching with Dr. King and they come at you with sticks and fire hoses. Or when you say you're going to lose weight and you never exercise. Oh yeah that last one hit way to close to home. Maggi is a big talker who is great at starting things but the follow through? Not so much.

I have put a lot of thought into this and I realized it's a family trait. Well it's time to change that. Step one is to adhere to the commitment I made to myself to get healthy. Because that is all that commitment is. It is a one step process. You keep your word whether it is to yourself or to a small group or to the world.

Dr. King made a commitment that he was going to change the world on a platform of non-violence. He stood by that commitment. Even when he was beaten, arrested, spit on, and even killed he never fought back. Not in the physical sense anyway. His level of personal commitment was strong enough to move mountains.

Gandhi did the same thing. He made a commitment to free the people of India. And he died for that cause. Over and over again you hear of people who stand with commitment. Have faced impossible odds for those commitments. And I can't even get off my butt and take care of myself?

Maybe one day I can mark myself as one of the greats.

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