Thursday, August 8, 2013


I had to take that personality test thing for my first semester of college. For Communications 101. It had something to do with how our personalities affected our communication. Completely pointless. But I have found a use, a purpose, for it. Some brilliant person combined it with the wonderfulness of Disney and now I'm going to comment on it. 

I am Mufasa!!!!  I guess after reading the description that may not be such a good thing. Most likely to stand up for those who are persecuted....yup I'm all over that. AND to be persecuted by those for whom they stand.....well that just figures. But for me it's go big or go home. It looks like I'm in good company too. Martin Luther King Jr., Lincoln, Jesus, and Gandhi were all game changers in their own ways. 

Come on who doesn't want to be Tarzan?? Well, maybe a version of Tarzan that embraces indoor plumbing. 

Most likely to adopt a dog bwsed on aesthetics cracks me up. But Roger is a good guy you could do a whole lot worse.

Like you could be Gaston. Ugh. But keep in mind all personality types have good and bad points....

Did anyone else start singing when they saw this picture? No? Just Me? OK then. I think those are great personality traits and you'd be lucky to be Belle.

"The Guardian" sounds dangerous. And very hall monitor like. You go Horsie! 
(I forgot the horses name)

Pocahontas...spunky and yet willing to do what's right no matter what. I'm down with that.

The classic bad boy turned good. 

It's Sheldon! Bazinga!

There's a reason it's called Peter Pan syndrome.

The classic scientist archetype.

Will know what you want and need before you do...creepy

This is my dad. But, my dad is -5 on the Captain Jack Sparrow coolness meter.

This is my sister. She is not a dreamer.

OK this just made me laugh.

Buck up Bubba

If you want to find out which Disney character you are you can take the test here:

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