Monday, September 16, 2013

Social Media

Let us sit down and have a frank talk about social media. Why are we going to do this? I have no idea it was Kanan's idea go ask her. I just write them. That does not mean that I know why I write them. Or that I even think about them. It's a stream of conciousness thing. If you were me you would undersstand. media. There are a lot a different options. Some of them do the same things. Some of them are completely different. But, they all have one thing in common. Once the teenagers get bored with them they are history. Isn't that right MySpace? What is MySpace you say? Well it is....wait a minute! How old are you?

I noticed something about the find a friend feature today. On Pinterest it offers to find you more friends. So you click on the link and it takes you to people you actually know (or have at least friended on Facebook) or it gives you no options. This honestly is just sad and makes you feel alone in the world. If you click find a friend on Facebook it takes you to a list of people you MIGHT know, people you haven't seen or thought of in 30 years, or people your friends know-and-honestly-why-wouldn't-you-want-to-be-friends-with-people-your-friends-supposedly-know. There is always 1 or 2 complete strangers thrown into the mix. I have no idea what that is all about but occasionbally I like to live on the wild side.

After all of these crazy Facebook options; the options that Facebook itself has offered to you; the alien in control of knowing who your best friend was in second grade even though you don't even remeber, asks if you know this person in real life. If you answer no too many timnes then Facebook decides you are a psycho killer/stalker/troll or something equally horrible and you are banned from friending the strangers that they send your way.

Google+ and Tumblr are also social networking sites. Google+ is highly confusing and mind boggling. Besides no one uses it so it doesn't matter anyway. Tumblr is the domain of teens and adults who either haven't grown up or are very brave.

There are other social networking sites that are used and are generally for a specific area of interest. Do a Google search to find one. I can't do all the work for you.

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