Thursday, October 31, 2013

Zombie Dark Thirty

Started my day at 4 am. 4 is early. The birds arent even awake. Drove two hours to work. I came up with an amazing blog idea on the drive. Couldn't write it down or anything because of the driving and now the idea is gone forever....or at least until it occurs to me again.

Get to the patients house, 2 hours in the middle of nowhere. In the dark. The deep deep dark. And rain. After listening to a zombie book for 2 hours.

 At the end of the long gravel drive are two lihts. Two houses. No one told me there would be two houses. Its before 7 am and I'm not sure what to do. All I can think of is my zombie book. I'm not afraid of zombies I'm afraid that if I come out of the dark someone might think I am a I very bravely tried calling the phone number that I had for the family.

Of course no one answered the phone. I knocked on the door, knocked again, and a third time. Finally,  I got an answer. No zombies or zombie killers.

Soon it will be 8 am....

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