Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Where's That Candy House?

I have figured out my purpose on Earth.  Are you jealous? I bet you don't know what your purpose is.

My purpose is to be the boogey man that parents use to keep their children in line. My life is a cautionary tale. If my life story was an Aesops Fable the moral would be Don't Do What She Does.

Girls want to date the bad boy? Parents can say "Look at Maggi, she dated the bad boys and she ended up abused, homeless, and pathetic."

Kids want to have a kid? "Maggi had a child out of wedlock at a young age. Then after struggling and fighting and working 80 hours a week look how she ended up"

You don't want to go to college? "You can be stuck in the same dead end job forever, just like Maggi."

Give 110% of yourself to everyone you meet? "You'll end up bitter, sad, and alone."

All my story needs is a witch in a candy house.

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