Monday, November 11, 2013

Sunday Fun Day

Yesterday was an insane day.

Woke up late

Went to church and took care of kids first then did service. This was backward from normal and even so I was late.

Had lunch then went to our pastors wife's baby shower.

Had a job interview (more on that later)

Took a nap

Reconnected with an old friend and agreed to try dating him (stay tuned)

That's a lot for 24 hours

So about the interview. It was for a management position at a movie rental chain. The interview was done in the middle of the store. Through the whole thing we had 3 young boys standing watching the whole thing.

The job would require me to relocate, make significantly less money, and be on call 14 hours a day 7 days a week. So it wouldn't be a good fit.

I posted that info on Facebook and then was verbally attacked by someone I barely know for being ungrateful.  That of course went over like a ton of bricks but he blocked me before I could really blast him

An interesting Sunday. ..

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