I am obsessed with countdowns. I have no idea why. If I run across a TV show with countdown in the title I have to watch it. 10 Oddest McDonald's In The World...I'm glued to it. 50 Scariest Places On Earth....I must find out what number 1 is. So here is a countdown of random things about me:
10. Obsessed With Countdowns
See above
9. Will Not Watch Scary Movies
This only includes ghosts and demon possession type movies. (Think Children Of The Corn) Anything
with serial killers, vampires, werewolves, and the like are fine. The rule is if I can't kill it I won't watch it.
8. Zoos Are The Only Things On My Bucket List
My only goal before I die is to see all of the major zoos in the United States. I have 2 down. I can't die
anytime soon.
7. Never Had A Curfew
I asked my mom once if I had one. She looked at me and said "Breakfast...unless you bring breakfast
home with you.
6. Love Random Facts
Why don't penguins feet freeze? Who invented the first refrigerator? How many stomachs do cows
have? These are the kinds of things I need to know.
5. Telling Me I Won't Do Something Is A Bad Idea
It sets off an Oh yeah! Watch me! switch in my head. My sister constantly reminds her children of this
when I threaten to embarrass them.
4. Can't Watch The Disney Movie Ratatouille
I am deathly afraid of mice and rats. The rats in that movie look too rat-like.
3. Thinks Frozen Blueberries Are Better Than Ice Cream
They are sweet and cold and icy and seriously amazing yumminess.
2. Is Obsessed With Pumpkin
It's the only reason I'm okay with fall and winter. All of the pumpkin flavored stuff comes out.
1. Once Went Head To Head With A Baboon
When I was 9 my brother was 1 and my sister was 13. We were at one of those drive-thru animal parks.
My sister, brother, and I were at the far end of the parking lot by ourselves. All of a sudden a baboon
gets between us and my brother. We found out later that they steal other monkeys babies in the wild. I
looked at my sister and said, "What do we do?" She said, "I'll get it to come at me. You grab the baby
and run. Don't look back, just run." She starts chucking rocks at the baboon. It shows it's teeth, yells, and
starts toward her. I ran around it grabbed my brother and took off running screaming bloody murder with
my sister right on my heels. That place was shut down soon after that.
I now have a new respect for the people that come up with countdowns. This one was way more difficult than you would think.
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