Unless an emergency comes up I rarely feel overwhelmed. But, doesn't everyone feel overwhelmed during an emergency. I don't deal well with having nothing to do. Maggi doesn't function well without a crazy to do list. (No Kana I don't actually have a list.) Bad things happen. Like I start randomly babbling via blog. Or as a very last resort I clean. *shudder* Cleaning must be avoided at all costs. And if everyone thinks I'm super busy they'll ignore the fact that I haven't dusted in....ever. Not on purpose anyway. Any dusting was purely accidental on my part.
I have a very fine line between busy and all out mind blowing chaos. A little chaos I'm good with. Telling me that you are going to flip my entire world upside down whether I like it or not...not so much. I will dig my heels in. There are a couple of reasons for this:
- I don't deal well with being told what to do. If I straight up tell you I want you to badger me about something I'm totally down with that. But, if I didn't you will get nothing but attitude from me. Because it wasn't my idea.
- I have nothing for number 2. I guess the moral here is I am grumpy and stubborn. The only things I can think of to combat that won't fit on my to do list. So grumpy and stubborn I will stay! Because I am stubborn. And too grumpy to care. See how this is a vicious circle?
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