I am extremely articulate. I have a vocabulary that most people don't want and can't understand. My friend used to tell me his 5 cent brain couldn't understand my $10 words. But, at times I can very monosyllabic. There's a lot of yups in my repertoire. I wonder what that is all about.
I suppose it could have something to do with my chameleon-like ability to get along with anyone. I can hang with anyone from princes to thieves. And with the Prince of Thieves. Me and Robin Hood are old friends.
I don't even know where I'm going with this post. But, if I talk long enough I will get around to a point and you'll never know the difference. Or I will see something shiny and wander away. There is an equal chance of either of those things happening. Or both. Both is entirely possible.
Which makes me think about how I seem like a crazy person on a regular basis. I talk to myself. A lot. Out loud.In public. 9 times out of 10 I am not actually having a conversation with myself. I am repeating a conversation I have had with someone in the past. I don't even know why I do this. Even creepier...most of the time I don't even say anything out loud I just mouth the words. I do this during actual conversations too. I mentally review the last few words of every sentence that I or someone else says. I do this to keep track of the conversation because while you're telling me your plan on world domination I've already been through three entirely different topics beginning to end in my head. I will get bored and I will wander away otherwise.
I think that the prevailing theme here is communication. I both excel and fail at it. Which is true of just about everything in my life......is that a penny? Shiny!
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