Imagine sitting in a
semi dark movie theater. You look around and notice the people around you.
There are males and females. There are boys and girls. They are young and old.
This is because you are in a theater waiting to see the latest blow ‘em up,
save the world, action flick. Action movies are the best kind of movies. The
genre has something for everyone. They do not require a lot of thought. They
are exciting. There is an aspect of fear involved. There is usually some
passion and romance. Friendships are forged from fire. The world, or at least a
small corner of it, is almost always saved.
I love movies. Getting lost in a story is therapeutic.
The best movies to get lost in are action movies. This is because they do not
require a lot of thought. When you see an action movie you are signing a covenant
with yourself that you are going to check reality at the door. You have to let
yourself believe that aliens have come to take over earth and our only hope is
a guy who has never held a gun in his life. You have to truly believe that a
person can be thrown fifty feet in an explosion, get up, dust himself off, and
fight to the death against killer robots. Sometimes you just need to turn your
brain off and let someone else think for you.
your average action film there is something for everyone. The movie executives
make sure to pander to the greatest common denominator. You are a fan of
explosions? We have them. They are bigger and better than any explosion you
have ever seen. Are you looking for some eye candy? We have lovely ladies and
hunky men for your viewing pleasure. They get lovelier and hunkier every movie.
You are looking for good dialogue? We even have that. That is assuming that the
movie was written by Joss Whedon. Otherwise dialogue isn’t really our thing. If
you are looking for something specific there is an action movie that has it.
movies are exciting. There is always some sort of nail biting, edge of your
seat action happening. This is why they are called action movies. Depending on
the movie you can have car chases, aliens, a guy surfing on the wing of a
plane, or a superhero. Sometimes, if you are really lucky, all of those are in
the same movie. In action movies everyone is always on the brink of death. I
believe this causes the audiences hormones to surge. The men are overcome with
testosterone fueled emotions. The women’s protective instincts come to the
is also an aspect of fear-fueled adrenal responses. The really good action
movies lead you into a sense of calm and quiet. One of the characters believes
that things are just fine when the wall behind them explode. The lead character
thinks that the monster is dead and things have calmed down when suddenly
something jumps out of the dark. The audience jumps in their seats and hearts
are pounding. This scene has triggered their fight or flight response. The
adrenaline kicks in and they are prepared. Prepared to either fight the threat
or run screaming from the room. This kick of adrenaline is actually addictive.
It is why thrill rides are so popular. It is why we keep coming back to these
aspect of danger and fear brings out passion onscreen. The passions are
stirred. The kisses are hot. Women are swooning in the theaters. There is
nothing quite like that “we are going to die in the next five minutes” kiss.
The relationships are hot and fast. This is not a very strong foundation for a
relationship. No wonder the relationships never make it to the sequels.
passion also comes out in the form of friendship. As J.K. Rowling says in Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
“There are some things you can’t share without ending up liking each other, and
knocking out a twelve-foot mountain troll is one of them.” These friendships
that are forged in fire seem to have a much better chance of surviving than the
romantic relationships. Knowing that your friend will have your back and will
die for you makes for a rock solid friendship.
there is the reason we all go to the movies. We want to see the happy ending.
We want to see the underdog triumph over unbelievable odds. We want to see the
aliens get blasted out of the sky. We want to see the hero and heroine standing
in the rubble, smoke billowing behind them, the music swelling, and the credits
rolling on a kiss. We want to see the little boy waving the American flag while
the fighter jets fly overhead. I believe this is because our country was founded
on turmoil and strife. We as Americans have always overcome the odds and arose
from the ashes like a phoenix. These movies are a metaphor for the American
movies bring us all together on an even plain. Together, in the theater, for a
couple of hours we are fighting to save the world. We are watching
relationships and friendships bloom. We are biting our nails with excitement
and cowering in fear. We run through the full range of emotions. We have not
had to use any brain power that was not required for the basic human functions
of breathing and digesting. Everyone got out of the movie what they came for.
The lights come up and you look around. No longer do you see men and women or
boys and girls. You see fellow survivors. Ladies and Gentlemen,
congratulations, you have saved the world once again. I’ll see you at the
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