Tuesday, June 18, 2013

I believe this is a very odd list

So I am free writing about the things I think about from this is a very odd list. The big thing for me will be to remember not to correct myself as I go along. Um um um if I knew how to type betteer that might be easier but I don't so I'll just have to soldier on. I swear someone is always moving the keys around on my keyboard. Muggle baiting I am sure. why isn't Muggle approved in the spell check dictionary? if you know whaat Muggle bailtting isa I am sure you and I would be grand friends. I love reading abd Harry Potter is just so amazingly well written. I wonder if jo ever freewrote. Is freewrote a word? Not according to spell check but what does spell check know? Not a whole lot I can assure you. I wonder who the spell check employees are. It sounds like aa wickedly dull job. But maybe they recruit the national spelling bee champions to work there. Cause reaally is spelling bee champ a marketable skill? I saw a cartoon today of a recent graduate interviewing for a job. The interviewer says well you did very good in school but what kind of real world skills do you have and the graduate said I'm very good at taking tests. Because there are no tests in real life and life is not multiple choice. actually the real workd tests are a lot like nursing school tests. 4 right answers and you have to pick the one that is the most right. i don't know what possessed me to think IO would want to go through that againb. temporary insanity I suppose. My hands are stariting to go numb here. I always feel sorry for frost bite victims whne my hand or foot falls asleep cause honestly imagine how much worse the pain musst be for your body to "wake up" from being frozen.

Word count 325

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