Saturday, June 29, 2013

Is this about you or me?

    I asked my friend what I should blog about today and she said "me" in her weak I'm lying in a hospital bed voice. That made me giggle cause I'm twisted like that so here is her blog.
    I got a text from my bestie at 4am. I of course didn't receive it until 8 because I chose to be lazy today. I texted and called her but when I didn't get an answer I called the hospital and they said they were admitting her but didn't know where to yet. So I went about the things I needed to do. She texts me and says she will be getting a heart cath and be admitted to the ICU in 20 minutes. I drop the groceries I was carrying into the vegetable crisper and take off out of the store. I have no idea what they call the place they keep the vegetables in stores. I'm also sure that the vegetable guy was thrilled with me.
   I get to the ER and they tell me she's already been moved to ICU. So I get to ICU and no friend. I wait for an hour and go to find out what the heck is going on. They take me to the cath lab after I used my best you will not walk all over me voice. Which, if I do say so myself, is pretty awesome. Her family isn't there and no one knows where they are. I finally got ahold of her mom and found out they hadn't been to the hospital at all! By this point it's 11 am so my poor friend has been at the hospital by herself for at least 8 hours. Yeah I wasn't happy. 
    So back to ICU I go. Her heart stent had closed off. They reopened it and restented it. Her mother finally shows up and I left to get some things done while she was sleeping. On my way out I stopped in the bathroom. I walk in the door and the light comes on by itself. I take one step and the paper towel holder shoots out a paper towel. Obviously the bathroom is haunted. When I came back later and was telling my friend about it her nurse said "It wouldn't surprise me" My only thought was DUDE!!!
    Why do people buy sports cars if they don't know how to drive them? I watched a guy turn a u-turn in a Corvette into a three point turn. Ok so I'm rambling now. My friend is doing good except for the pain and the fact that she has had to lay flat on her back for 8 hours to keep her from getting a blood clot or bleeding to death. 
   This post kind of turned into being about me.....

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