Feminism is a subject that is near and dear to my heart. I
am proud to call myself a feminist. Not a so called femi-nazi, but a woman who
believes that men and women are equal in all ways. Physically there are some
differences but intellectually, emotionally, and in all other ways men and
women are on the same equal footing. As a nurse I work in a so called pink
collar job. This gives me an interesting and unique perspective into the world
of gender equality.
Men and women are equal, period. Unfortunately there are
many people who do not seem to understand this concept of feminism. The worst
of those are so called feminists who believe that their version of feminism is
the only right one. If you are a stay at home mom you are putting the women
that came before us to shame. If you choose to work you are neglecting your
children. If you dress in a sexy manner then you are stepping on the very throat
of feminism. If you dress conservatively then you are pandering to a male
dominated society. Women shaming women is the worst blow to the fight for
gender equality that there could possibly be.
Here’s the way this is supposed to work. The feminists that
came before us fought for women’s equality so that you could be the best woman
that you want to be. That means that you can be a stay at home mom, a working
mom, a working from home mom, or not even be a mom if that is what you want.
You have the right and the power to dress like a Pussycat Doll or like Madeline
Albright that is your right. The only right thing that we can do is to embrace each
other’s choices.
The other end of the stick is the men, the male dominated workforce,
and the male centric world that tries to keep us down. Women are still paid
less than men in the male dominated work force. The glass ceiling is still a
very real concept. Women are still blamed for their own rape. Uninformed men are
still saying things like women can’t get pregnant from legitimate rape.
Why are we still talking about the first woman to do
something? Even in our awards shows men and women aren’t equal. There are best
male and female categories. Can you imagine the backlash that would come if
there was a best African American or best Hispanic category? Until men and
women are judged on the same platform we will never be truly equal.
The good news is that you don’t have to be a female to be a
feminist. There are men, who have big voices and far reaching fame, that speak
out for the equality of women. One day we will stand equal, shoulder to
shoulder with men. When that day comes we will not need a definition for equality.
Feminism will be an ancient concept. I hope that day is soon.